Vendor Management - Blueprints

Identify and Manage Financial Risk Impacts on Your Organization

Vendors’ failure to perform, including security and compliance violations, can have significant financial consequences. Good vendor management practices help...

Identify and Manage Strategic Risk Impacts on Your Organization

Organizations must evolve their strategic risk assessments to be more adaptive to respond to global changes in the market. Ongoing monitoring of the market and the...

Evaluate Your Vendor Account Team to Optimize Vendor Relations

Understanding your vendor team’s background, experience, and strategic approach to your account is key to the management of the relationship, the success of the vendor...

Identify and Manage Reputational Risk Impacts on Your Organization

Organizations must diligently assess and protect their reputations, both in the market and internally.

Elevate Your Vendor Management Initiative

Once your vendor management initiative (VMI) has been operating for a while, it's time to take the next step in its evolution. It's time to transform the VMI from...
  • guided implementation icon

Essentials of Vendor Management for Small Business

The purpose of the blueprint is to provide small/medium businesses (SMB) with the basic vendor management necessities to maximize their IT vendor investment. SMBs...

Identify and Manage Security Risk Impacts on Your Organization

It is time to start looking at risk realistically and move away from “trust but verify” toward zero trust.

Identify and Manage Regulatory and Compliance Risk Impacts on Your Organization

Organizations must understand the regulatory damage vendors may cause from lack of compliance.

Identify and Manage Operational Risk Impacts on Your Organization

Organizations need to be aware of the operational damage vendors may cause, to plan around those impacts effectively.

Looking at Risk in a New Light: The Six Pillars of Vendor Risk Management

Organizations must evolve their risk assessments to be more adaptive to respond to changes in the global market. Ongoing monitoring and continual assessment of vendors’...
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