Security Technology & Operations - Blueprints

Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations

Organizations are struggling to get ahead of threats as they continue to respond reactively rather than proactively. Don’t be left behind. Develop a manageable and...
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Develop a Security Operations Strategy

Current security practices are disjointed, operating independently with a wide variety of processes and tools to conduct incident response, network defense, and threat...

Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation

The use of a tabletop exercise is an excellent way to test the effectiveness of an organization’s overall security program, the investment of technology controls, and the...
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Identify Opportunities to Mature the Security Architecture

Organizations require an effective security architecture in order to connect security to the business. This blueprint demonstrates Info-Tech’s approach to evaluating the...
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Simplify Identity and Access Management

This research will lay the groundwork for establishing a centralized, effective, and efficient system for managing identity and access. We will help organizations take...
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Master Your Security Incident Response Communications Program

Many organizations do not have an incident response plan, and those that do often forget to include a communications plan, leading to time loss while trying to create one...
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Build a Vendor Security Assessment Service

Risks from third parties are on the rise, but many organizations still struggle with how to tackle this problem. A risk-based approach is needed to manage supply chain...
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Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline

Transcend traditional application security approaches and embrace the agile mindset to shift security left. Use innovation and automation to secure the DevOps pipeline...
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Debunk Machine Learning Endpoint Security Solutions

Traditional legacy anti-virus solutions are unable to keep up with the sheer volume of new and sophisticated endpoint attacks. As a potential solution to combat this...
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Ensure Cloud Security in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS Environments

This blueprint will comprehensively evaluate your hosted cloud risk profile to determine what unique security controls your organization requires to secure its cloud...
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