
Software Testing Strategy and Risk Assessment

With finite resources and infinite testing possibilities, software testing must be driven by a strategy unique to the project and application environment. Use this tool...

Data Governance Communication Tracking and Planning Tool

Use this tool to track and plan formal communication events for the organization's data governance program.

Collaboration Platform RFP Scoring Tool

After responses to an RFP have been received, enterprises considering collaboration platforms need a way to compare potential solutions. Use this RFP scoring tool to...

AI Governance Gap Analysis Tool

Determining your strengths and weaknesses in Application Integration (AI) Governance will help you better implement and optimize your AI Governance model. Use this...

Social Media Opportunity Assessment Tool

The Social Media Opportunity Assessment Tool is designed to identify achievable goals in three social media target areas: sales, marketing, and customer service.

Backup Architecture Acquisition TCO Comparison Tool

Total cost of ownership (TCO) is an important consideration when designing a best-fit backup architecture. Comparative analysis of TCO can help you decide whether to move...

Master Data Record Tool

Leverage the Master Data Record Tool to catalogue systems within the organization to help you determine with which data set you should begin your MDM initiative.

RFP Response Evaluation Tool

The RFP Response Evaluation Tool provides a framework for grading proposals against appropriate selection criteria, and reaching a rational decision as to the best proposals.

BPM Maturity Assessment Tool

This tool will help you determine how much your organization should invest in a business process management (BPM) initiative. The tool provides a questionnaire to assess...

IT Staffing Requirement and Allocation Assessment

Identify redeployment candidates and plan for IT workforce optimization.
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