Templates & Policies

Senior Management Expectation Survey

Use the following survey to evaluate senior management's expectations of IT.

DR Team Build Sheet

Recovering from a disaster cannot occur without having key people in place to bring system, equipment, and services back online. Use this worksheet to identify team...

DRP Test Schedule Worksheet

Disaster Recovery (DR) testing is an essential component of any comprehensive DR plan as testing is what ensures that the plan is appropriate, accurate, and contains no...

DRP Test Worksheet

Don't wait until disaster recovery (DR) is invoked to discover weaknesses in DR processes. Run a full test of the enterprise DR plan to uncover flaws before an event...

IT Peer Advisory Committee Charter

Ongoing IT input provided through committees can provide continuous feedback to stakeholders who might not otherwise solicit IT's advice in decision-making.

Backup Software Vendor Demonstration Script

This template is designed to provide backup software vendors with a consistent set of instructions, ensuring an objective comparison of product features, all while...

Communications Plan Template for a New Global Data Center Transition

Managing a new global data center can be an overwhelming task. Focusing on communicating effectively with new foreign staff is necessary for a successful integration and...

Change Communication Plan Template

The Change Communication Plan ensures that relevant information related to an IT change is provided to all affected stakeholders and staff telling them what they need to...

Application Maintenance Workflow Template

This app maintenance workflow template provides flowcharts for managing defects, upgrades, and patches. Use this document to establish maintenance processes specific to...

Personal Mobile Device Remote Wipe Waiver

Developing and enforcing a personal mobile device acceptable use policy is critical to maintaining corporate network security. Use the Personal Mobile Device Remote Wipe...
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