
Design Your IT Organization for the Future – Phases 1-4

This storyboard is a step-by-step guide on how to design the right IT organizational structure to ensure objectives are always achieved.

Implement a New Organizational Structure – Phase 3: Lead Staff Through the Reorganization

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a New Organizational Structure, will help you transition your employees to their new roles through manager training and transition...

Discover and Classify Your Data – Phase 2: Discover the Data

This phase of the blueprint will help you perform and manage data discovery.

Develop a Security Awareness and Training Program That Empowers End Users – Phase 1: Develop Your Training Program

This phase of the blueprint, Develop a Security Awareness and Training Program That Empowers End Users, will help you build a development plan for your program, as well...

Maximize the Benefits from Enterprise Applications with a Center of Excellence – Phase 3: Develop a Center of Excellence Roadmap

This phase of the blueprint, Establish a CoE for Enterprise Applications, will help you assess the required capabilities to reach the ideal state CoE and constantly...

Improve Security Governance With a Security Steering Committee – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you set up your steering committee and identify the key players, their responsibilities and the capabilities of your committee.

Maximize the Benefits from Enterprise Applications with a Center of Excellence – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you develop a plan for implementing a Center of Excellence for your enterprise application. Using Info-Tech's CoE Operating Model, the...

Optimize Applications Release Management – Phase 3: Roll Out Release Management Enhancements

This phase of the blueprint, Optimize Applications Release Management, will help you build a release management optimization roadmap aligned to your priorities.

Develop an IT Infrastructure Services Playbook – Phase 3: Identify Costs and Mature Service Delivery Capabilities

This phase of the blueprint, Develop an IT Infrastructure Services Playbook, will help you identify costs and mature service delivery capabilities.

Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata – Phases 1-3

Findability of your key digital assets is crucial to critical marketing and operational efforts to drive business results and enhance productivity. Use this research to...
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