
Create a Right-Sized Enterprise Architecture Governance Framework – Phase 7: Communication Plan

Craft a plan to engage relevant stakeholders, ascertain the benefits of the initiative, and identify the various communication methods in order to maximize the chances of...

Establish a Foresight Capability – Phase 4: Idea Selection

Apply the wind tunneling technique to assess the various strategic initiatives and determine which are most likely to succeed in the face of uncertainty.

Effectively Acquire Infrastructure Services – Phase 4: Manage the Contract, Transition, and Vendor

This phase of the blueprint, Effectively Acquire Infrastructure Services, will help you review your SLAs and develop a plan to transition the service and manage the vendor.

Maximize the Benefits from Enterprise Applications with a Center of Excellence – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you develop a plan for implementing a Center of Excellence for your enterprise application. Using Info-Tech's CoE Operating Model, the...

Storyboard: Create a Customized Big Data Architecture and Implementation Plan

The business is demanding big data capabilities and has forced data architects who haven’t planned for big data into a difficult situation. If data architects do not...

Design an Enterprise Architecture Strategy – Phases 1-4

This storyboard will help you create an EA strategy that will articulate the value of your EA function, create EA fundamentals to guide its direction, and define services...

Implement a New Organizational Structure – Phase 3: Lead Staff Through the Reorganization

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a New Organizational Structure, will help you transition your employees to their new roles through manager training and transition...

Create a Service Management Roadmap – Phase 4: Build the Roadmap

This phase will help you design a communication slide that paints the picture of what your program will look like in the short and long terms.

Establish a Foresight Capability – Phase 3: Scenario Building

Scenario-based planning has long been used in situations of high risk and uncertainty, making it useful for the current business-technology landscape. This phase will...

Effectively Acquire Infrastructure Services – Phase 3: Manage Vendor Questions and Select the Vendor

This phase of the blueprint, Effectively Acquire Infrastructure Services, will help you manage the activities surrounding vendor questions and score your responses to...
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