Research Notes

Implement Virtual Desktop Infrastructure for Remote Access and Business Continuity

Historically, delivering virtual desktops to remote users required a separate connectivity and virtualization infrastructure, but that is starting to change. VMware...

E-Mail Archiving? Update the E-Mail Acceptable Use Policy

E-mail archiving adoption should trigger an evaluation of existing e-mail acceptable use policies. Enterprises should establish a clear, explicit understanding with...

Info-Tech's Guide to the Interview Process

The behavioral interview is the culmination of the recruiting process. It provides an opportunity for the enterprise to get to know a candidate and learn more about how...

Trends in SOA: Adoption Lags Behind the Hype

A recent Info-Tech study finds that, despite all the hype surrounding Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), adoption is limited. Internal integration at a trial and/or...

Showcase IT's Value with an Effective BAP Executive Summary

IT organizations are continually challenged by users and senior management to prove they can, and do, deliver a strong value proposition. However, without a clear...

Utilize Virtualization for Low-Cost Failover

Few small to mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) can afford much in the way of offsite redundancy for disaster recovery purposes, and fewer still have budget room for a proper...

Xserve a Sound Bet in Apple Data Centers

Apple continues to update the hardware and software for its Xserve rack-mount server. For Apple Mac-centric businesses that want a robust and recognized basic workgroup...

Crafting Retention Schedules: A Crucial Step in Records Management

A records retention schedule is a crucial input to document management and Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) initiatives. Developing a schedule requires...

Exchange Server: Hosted or In-House?

Enterprises facing an Exchange upgrade often make the mistake of assuming an in-house upgrade path is the only option. Let the possibility of transferred risk, service...

SOP 101: Standard Operating Procedures

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are most commonly associated with military or manufacturing operations; however, they can be effectively utilized by any enterprise....
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