Infrastructure & Operations

BCM Software Selection Guide

Understand what you get in a business continuity management software solution and review trends and leading vendors.

Business Continuity Management Software Selection Guide

Understand key trends and differentiating features in the business continuity management (BCM) software marketspace to help you find the right fit.

Edge Technology Value-Readiness and SWOT Analysis Tool

Evaluate edge technologies based on value and readiness.

Initiate Your Edge Computing Journey Storyboard

Understand the benefits as well as associated risks of edge computing.

Initiate Your Edge Computing Journey

Edge computing could give your business a competitive advantage by reducing latency while increasing privacy and reliability. But ensure you have all the relevant use...

Workload Assessment and Reference Architecture Tool

Assess your workload for infrastructure suitability and record the on-premises architecture required for it.

Repatriate Cloud Services Storyboard

Assess, plan, and seamlessly repatriate workloads.

Repatriate Cloud Services

Cloud costs may be unexpected or higher than expected due to factors such as data egress costs, storage costs, or fluctuating usage patterns. Payment models in the cloud...

AI Reference Architecture Tool

Plan and record the infrastructure requirements to support your AI solutions.

Select the Ideal Infrastructure for Your AI Workload Storyboard

Design a custom reference architecture that meets your AI requirements.
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