End-User Print Requirements Survey

Gather feedback on end-user needs and requirements.

Printer Reduction Tool

Use this printer reduction tool to help you organize your printer inventory, calculate total printing costs, and visualize printer usage.

Enterprise Printing Roles and Responsibilities RACI Guide

Assign key tasks for the project across Strategy & Planning, Vendor Selection, Implementation, and Operation.

Enterprise Printing Project Charter

Document the parameters of the print reduction project, your goals, desired business benefits, and metrics.

Re-Envision Enterprise Printing – Phases 1-3

Don't settle for printer consolidation: seek the elimination of print.

Prepare for the Upgrade to Windows 11

Windows 11 is a step forward in endpoint security and functionality. Windows 10 is living on borrowed time, with a defined end of support date of Oct. 14, 2025....

Prepare for the Upgrade to Windows 11 Storyboard

Windows 11 is a step forward in endpoint security and functionality. Windows 10 is living on borrowed time, with a defined end of support date of Oct. 14, 2025....

Zoom Sets Its Sights on WFH With Zoom for Home

Zoom recently announced Zoom for Home: an all-in-one hardware and software for home users designed to enable the work-from-home user with a single home appliance for web...

Choose a Right-Sized Videoconferencing Hardware Solution

Upgrading one’s videoconferencing hardware is an important long-term investment that revolves around several decision points. This note offers a process for thinking...

Build a Program for Requesting and Tracking Loaners

With everyone working from home in response to COVID-19, ensure that people have what they need to be productive. Quickly build a loaner program, and track everything you...
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