Custom Vendor Landscape: Digital Adoption Platforms

Digital Adoption Platforms focus on onboarding users to new applications. They provide the ability to Add an integrated training layer that looks native to internal and...

Custom Vendor Landscape: Application Virtualization Solutions

Application virtualization is the process behind making a standard application believe that it is directly interfaced with an operating system when it is not. This is...

Custom Vendor Landscape: Freight Carrier Invoicing Software

Freight carrier invoicing software is designed for organizations that handle logistics and freight management solutions for both domestic and international shipments....

Microsoft 365 Capability Assessment

The capability assessment can be used to map desired and existing capabilities of the different SKUs available for purchase.

Microsoft 365 Communication Plan Template

The Office 365 Communication Plan Template is the repository for information about how to communicate information about the transitions to the relevant stakeholders.

Govern Microsoft 365 – Phases 1-3

Microsoft 365 is as difficult to wrangle as it is valuable. Leverage best practices to produce governance outcomes aligned with your goals.

Govern Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 is as difficult to wrangle as it is valuable. Leverage best practices to produce governance outcomes aligned with your goals.
  • guided implementation icon

Microsoft 365 Control Map

The control map captures the individual controls available for managing OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams. The controls can be further mapped to organizational goals.

Collaborate Effectively in Microsoft Teams Storyboard

Set up your users for Teams collaboration success. Create a process that improves their ability to access, understand, and maximize their use of your chosen collaboration...

Microsoft Teams End-User Satisfaction Survey

Use this survey to capture end user feedback on their collaborative use of Microsoft Teams.
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