Minimum-Viable PMO Needs Assessment

Analyze the value of the time and effort you spend on project management activities.

Minimum-Viable Project and Portfolio Management SOP

Rather than just another project document, make your SOP the key to your survival guide.

Zero-Allocation Project Management Workbook

Developing a lean PM toolkit will free up PMs to focus on actually managing the project while still delivering accurate portfolio metrics.

Zero-Allocation Project Manager Development Plan

A zero-allocation project management workshop/team building activity.

Track and Measure Benefits Tool

The Track and Measure Benefits Tool is used to monitor and track if the desired benefits have been met. Deviations in benefits are documented so a remedial action plan...

Initiative Roadmap Tool

The Initiative Roadmap Tool is used to organize and monitor project work. Project milestones and tasks can accurately be planned out. Once the project begins, real-time...

Stakeholder Communication Planning Template

The Stakeholder Communication Planning Template is used to document your list of initiative stakeholders to track stakeholders and plan communication with them throughout...

Light Project Request Form

Use the Light Project Request Form if your intake processes require less friction.

Detailed Project Request Form

Use the Detailed Project Request Form if your intake processes require more friction.

Email Approval Template

The project prioritization committee must communicate project rankings to senior management and obtain support for moving forward.
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