Storyboard: Create a Game Plan to Implement Cloud Backup the Right Way

There is a lot of hype and a lot of fear around targeting backups at the cloud. Complete this blueprint to get a sense of the real risks and rewards of cloud backup.

Create a Game Plan to Implement Cloud Backup the Right Way

The cloud isn’t a magic bullet for backups. Build a strategy that fits your needs and mitigates critical cloud challenges.
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Take Control of Cloud Costs on Microsoft Azure – Phases 1-4

Develop processes, procedures, and policies to effectively manage cloud costs.

Take Control of Cloud Costs on Microsoft Azure – Executive Brief

Get a handle on cloud costs.

Take Control of Cloud Costs on Microsoft Azure

Develop processes, procedures, and policies to effectively manage cloud costs.
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Service Cost Cheat Sheet for Azure

Document cost factors by cloud service.

Cloud Cost Management Task List

Document owners, timelines, and next steps to improve your cloud cost management capabilities.

Commitment Purchasing Workflow

Document your workflow for purchasing commitment discounts.

Right-Sizing Workflow

Document your process for right-sizing.

Service Cost Cheat Sheet

Document cost factors by cloud service.
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