Enterprise Architecture - Tools

BI Implementation Planning Tool

Once a BI or analytics platform is selected, you need to implement the platform in your servers or on the cloud. The BI Implementation Planning Tool provides a checklist...

Data Architecture Assessment and Roadmap Tool

Use this diagnostic assessment to analyze the current and future capabilities of the organization's data architecture practice, enterprise data model, and related...

IT Integration Roadmap Tool

Use the IT Integration Roadmap Tool to track key elements during the M&A discovery, integration planning, and execution phases.

Workforce Planning Workbook

Use this tool to document talent needs and availability, the impact of internal and external trends, workforce estimates, and initiatives to close workforce gaps.

Service Acquisition Planning and Tracking Tool

Use this Service Acquisition Planning and Tracking Tool to plan your acquisition activities and track progress.

BI Initiatives and Roadmap Tool

This tool will help you transform the business intelligence activities from Phases 1 and 2 into comprehensive improvement initiatives, assign responsibility to...

Data Governance Initiative Planning and Roadmap Tool

Plan the sequence, starting time, and length of each initiative in the Data Governance Initiative Planning and Roadmap Tool. The tool will generate a Gantt chart roadmap...

Risk Costing Tool

It’s impossible to make intelligent decisions about risks without knowing what they’re worth. Use Info-Tech’s Risk Costing Tool to calculate the expected cost of IT’s...

Big Data Use-Case Suggestion Tool

Use this tool to identify big data use cases at the industry and department levels. With the suggestions in this tool as inspiration, evaluate your own cases in terms of...

Where in the World Is My Digital Asset? Tool

Use this tool to help you measure the costs associated with a lack of findability, and put a dollar value return from improving your DAM.
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