Value & Performance - Templates & Policies

Stakeholder Communication Planning Template

The Stakeholder Communication Planning Template is used to document your list of initiative stakeholders to track stakeholders and plan communication with them throughout...

BRM Buy-In and Communication Template

Customize this tool to obtain buy in from leadership and other stakeholders. As you continue through the blueprint, continue to leverage this template to communicate what...

Communication Plan Template

The Communication Plan Template is used to document and organize your strategy and tactics to effectively get your message across and to address feedback.

Resource Management Playbook

Use this template to record your resource management strategy including the standard operating procedures for the process that implements the strategy.

PPM Strategic Plan Template

This template will help you compose a comprehensive PPM strategy. It includes an executive brief to establish the need for PPM, a plan for process improvement, and an...

Process Pilot Plan Template

Invest time and energy into a pilot and lower implementation risk, enhance the details and steps within a process, and improve stakeholder relations prior to a full scale...

Quality Management Quality Plan Template

Use this template to form quality plans for each IT practice area.

BRM Stakeholder Engagement Plan Worksheet

This worksheet allows you to list the stakeholders and their priority in order to establish how you want to engage with them.

Business Value Statement Template

This template can be used to document your organization's business value drivers, along with the mission and vision of the organization.

Transition Team Communications Template

Use the Transition Team Communications Template to capture and communicate the what, where, when, how, and whom of an organizational change initiative.
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