Strategy & Governance - Tools

Release and Deployment Management Gap Analysis Tool

This tool will generate a gap analysis, and provide recommendations to help you achieve your target state. Use these results to target your investment in release and...

Release and Deployment Management Metrics Tool

This tool should be used to monitor key performance indicators and report the success of your release and deployment management process to stakeholders.

Service-Based Cost Model Tool

The Service-Based Cost Model Tool is designed to identify the cost of IT department services, such as the cost of the help desk service.

Organizational Change Impact Assessment Tool

The Organizational Change Impact Assessment Tool outlines the impact of the change in your organization.

Internal Controls Prioritization Tool

This tool will give you an assessment of your current control coverage and help you determine the types of controls required to mitigate your risks.

Internal Controls Effectiveness Scorecard

The only way to know if your controls are providing adequate coverage is to measure them over time. This tool will give you insight into the continued relevance of your...

Project Planning and Monitoring Tool

The beginning stages of the project are dedicated to working out the details of the project task schedule. Take advantage of this tool to determine and create a detailed...

Policy Management Tool

Info-Tech's Policy Management Tool is designed to help you quickly identify the key risks your organization faces, map them to a policy, and identify gaps and...

IT Due Diligence Report

This tool helps the CIO and IT due diligence team with tracking and documenting ongoing information discoveries throughout the due diligence phase of an M&A transaction.

Idea Reservoir Tool

Incubate ideas in this Idea Reservoir, and use it to rank ideas based on their alignment with current organizational innovation goals.
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