Evolve Your Software Delivery Into a Solution Delivery Lifecycle – Phases 1-3

Expand your SDLC into a Solution Delivery Lifecycle documenting Intake, Product Management, Operations, and Value Measurement.

Evolve Your SDLC Example Flows

The SDLC examples are sanitized versions of process flows and related deliverables from other Member workshops. You can use these as a starting point or to help validate...

Info-Tech’s Tech Trends 2024: Insights for Product and Marketing

This article offers an overview of Info-Tech’s top tech trends in 2024 related to product marketing, exploring how customers will approach investments in AI, spatial...

Exploring Opportunities for Acceleration From the Office of the Auditor General of Canada's '2023 Report 7 – Modernizing Information Technology Systems'

We outline our point of view on the current state of modernization in the Canadian federal government and offer our latest playbook and frameworks to support GC leaders...

AI in Requirements Management Accelerator Workbook

A supporting tool that helps you assess your current state and build the case for leveraging AI in requirements management.

AI in Requirements Management Executive Communication Template

A practical template for communicating the value of your requirements management AI use cases to your executives.

Get Started With AI in Requirements Management Storyboard

A practical playbook for getting started with AI in your requirements management practices.

Get Started With AI in Requirements Management

The business analyst role is changing, and AI will accelerate that change. The function has been asked to do more with less. More work in less time means missed...
  • guided implementation icon

Business Intelligence RFP Template

Customize this template to create your own request for proposal (RFP) for your BI and analytics solution procurement process.

Selecting the Right Share of Voice Platform to Manage and Monitor Your Influence

This article helps you understand the impact of SOV on your company and why tracking it is essential. It also provides details on how to evaluate the available platforms.
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