Build, Buy, or Shut It Down Executive Presentation

This presentation template uses sample data to demonstrate an ideal build, buy, or shut it down strategy.

Build, Buy, or Shut It Down Workbook

A structured product strategy workbook to help you prioritize strategy activities and build a product roadmap to ensure success.

Build, Buy, or Shut It Down Self-Assessment

A best-of-breed template to help you build a clear, concise, and compelling self-assessment of product strategy for stakeholders.

Build, Buy, or Shut It Down Storyboard

A step-by-step document that walks you through how to assess internal needs and evaluate product roadmaps.

Build, Buy, or Shut It Down

Deciding whether to build, buy, or shut down a product line is crucial for a company's growth and meeting stakeholder expectations. Firms must rigorously evaluate how...
  • guided implementation icon

Custom Vendor Landscape: Loyalty Management Software

Loyalty Management software enables organizations to identify (potential) repeat customers, set up and run loyalty programs, and send rewards or incentives to drive...

Custom Vendor Landscape: Legal Practice Management Systems

Legal practice management software is a platform of capabilities for enabling in-house legal teams and law firms to manage client relations. Core features include case...

Custom Vendor Landscape: Enterprise Rules Engines

An Enterprise Rules Engine (ERE) provides the ability to embed a configurable business rules management appliance into an existing application (custom-built or...

Custom Vendor Landscape: CRM for Higher Education – Admissions

CRM solutions for higher education provide the ability to track the student experience from end-to-end. These platforms also typically provide augmented capabilities for...

Custom Vendor Landscape: Client Portal Solution

The client portals come in three major types: B2B E-commerce platforms, B2B customer portals, and B2B partner portals.
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