Frontline Manager Change Self-Assessment Tool

Use this tool to provide frontline managers with an assessment to provide insight into areas in which they would benefit from further training or tools.

Employee Experience Workbook

Use this tool to analyze data and begin the process of developing the key area(s) of focus for the employee experience initiative.

Project Roadmap Tool

Use this tool to create a project plan to support the roadmap and to prepare for technology selection and implementation.

Job Description Tracking Tool

Use this tool to evaluate the current state of job descriptions and track the progress of updating job descriptions.

Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook

This workbook contains product pricing priorities, interviewee tracking, sample questions, and “critical” competitive information, which enables the price team to...

Buyer Personas and Journey Presentation Template

Gather existing and desired customer insights and conduct market research to define and personify your buyer personas and their buying behaviors.

Market Analysis Template

Analyze and document your competitive landscape, and assess your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Brand Awareness Strategy Rollout Plan Template

Build and deliver on an effective tactical deployment plan.

Campaign Workflows Template

Create brand awareness campaign workflows, identify assets required throughout the journey, delivery methods, and data capture.

Asset Creation and Management List

Create a list of existing and new assets to create and manage.
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