Template and Sample AI Business Case Executive Presentation

Use this combined template and sample to pull all the components of your AI business case together into a comprehensive and compelling presentation.

Build Your AI Business Case

AI is one of the hottest topics in IT history. Many want to reap its benefits, but unknowns are rampant, making success difficult to achieve. Help your organization enter...

Build Your AI Business Case Storyboard

AI is one of the hottest topics in IT history. Many want to reap its benefits, but unknowns are rampant, making success difficult to achieve. Help your organization enter...

Sample AI Use Case

Use this AI use case sample to inspire the identification and development of an AI use case in your organization.

Sample AI Business Case Analysis

Use this completed sample of an AI business case analysis to better understand how to categorize, document, and evaluate the key components of a strong business case.

Sample AI Prototyping Workbook

Use this AI prototype draft sample as guidance on sketching out an AI-driven solution at a high level.

Process Mapping Guide

Use this step-by-step guide to understand the best practices surrounding process mapping.

Build a Winning Business Process Automation Playbook

Automation is not the silver-bullet solution to your workforce productivity challenges. Optimization and automation must be used together to remove root-cause...
  • guided implementation icon

Build a Winning Business Process Automation Playbook – Phases 1-3

This blueprint helps you develop a repeatable approach to understand your process challenges and to optimize and automate strategic business processes.

Business Process Automation Playbook

Use this template to define the guide for your process automation.
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