Application Development - Storyboard

Perform an Agile Skills Assessment – Phase 1: Take Stock of the Agile Skills and Values Important to You

Before doing any assessment of your Agile team, review Info-Tech's research on the Agile skills and values that should be considered and decide the skills that are...

Perform an Agile Skills Assessment – Phase 2: Define an Assessment Method That Works for You

Define what it means to attain specific Agile skills through a defined ascension path of proficiency levels and standardized skill expectations.

Perform an Agile Skills Assessment – Phase 3: Plan to Assess Your Team

Determine the rollout and communication plan that suits your organization.

Build Your BizDevOps Playbook – Phases 1-2

This storyboard will help you adopt the right software delivery estimation tactics to build achievable plans.

Build Your BizDevOps Playbook – Phase 1: Get Started With BizDevOps

This phase of the blueprint, Build Your BizDevOps Playbook, will help you set the appropriate expectations for your BizDevOps adoption.

Build Your BizDevOps Playbook – Phase 2: Tailor Your BizDevOps Playbook

This phase of the blueprint, Build Your BizDevOps Playbook, will help you identify where specific tailoring of your playbook is needed.

Spread Best Practices With an Agile Center of Excellence – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you build an Agile Center of Excellence that will scale along with your Agile environment and provide consistency as complexity rises.

Spread Best Practices With an Agile Center of Excellence – Phase 1: Strategically Align the Center of Excellence

This storyboard will help you build an Agile Center of Excellence that will scale along with your Agile environment and provide consistency as complexity rises.

Spread Best Practices With an Agile Center of Excellence – Phase 2: Standardize the Center of Excellence’s Service Offerings

This storyboard will help you build an Agile Center of Excellence that will scale along with your Agile environment and provide consistency as complexity rises.

Spread Best Practices With an Agile Center of Excellence – Phase 3: Operationalize Your Agile Center of Excellence

This storyboard will help you build an Agile Center of Excellence that will scale along with your Agile environment and provide consistency as complexity rises.
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