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Organizations Report Higher Satisfaction When Switching to Software With an Info-Tech Award

Thinking about choosing a new software vendor but don't know where to start? Narrow down your shortlist by focusing on software that has received an Info-Tech Research Group award. New data from SoftwareReviews shows that organizations report higher satisfaction when they switched to software that had received an Info-Tech award.

Source: Info-Tech Research Group, Switching Existing Software Vendors Overwhelmingly Drives Increased Satisfaction [forthcoming research]. Accessed July 6, 2020.

What this above data tells us is that an additional 8% of organizations were 61%+ more satisfied with their switch to software that had received an Info-Tech award than those who did not. Overall, the percentage change in satisfaction was 6% higher for those organizations that chose software with an Info-Tech award.

These percentage differences might seem marginal, but some broader context will illustrate their importance. SoftwareReviews data tells us that organizations will overwhelmingly choose to renew their current software vendor, regardless of organization size, industry, or software category. 93%, 92.7%, and 91.9% of small, medium, and large organizations, respectively, will plan to renew. The lowest plan-to-renew percentage for a software category was still a whopping 86.8% (the highest was 95.6%).

The perceived costs of changing software vendors are often cited as reasons for staying put – change management is too expensive, difficult, and time consuming. Yet these perceived costs do not reflect the stats. The SoftwareReviews data below shows that switching software vendors substantially drives satisfaction; indeed, 80% of organizations are more satisfied as a result of their vendor switch, with over half of organizations reporting satisfaction of more than 60%. Simply renewing your current vendor risks breeding complacency and long-term dissatisfaction.

Source: Info-Tech Research Group, Switching Existing Software Vendors Overwhelmingly Drives Increased Satisfaction [forthcoming research]. Accessed July 6, 2020.

This change in satisfaction is not merely a honeymoon effect. Switching vendors can also lower software costs with the right negotiating platform. Large enterprises, for instance, see an average percentage discount of 31% for volume purchasing. Rather than being painful, switching vendors can be a significant driver for software satisfaction in your organization.

This brings us back to the first graph. Let Info-Tech be your guide by helping to narrow down your shortlist with software that has received an Info-Tech award. The result is a win-win situation: save time by no longer needing to comb through an entire marketplace yourself, and increase your software switch satisfaction. Lead your organization out of its software Stockholm syndrome!

All statistics from Info-Tech Research Group, Switching Existing Software Vendors Overwhelmingly Drives Increased Satisfaction [forthcoming research]. Accessed July 6, 2020.

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