How Many Phone Lines Do You Need?

Determining the number of phone lines required for a facility can be a daunting task for IT leaders that have recently taken on telecom responsibilities. Planners should...

RFP Response Evaluation Tool

The RFP Response Evaluation Tool provides a framework for grading proposals against appropriate selection criteria, and reaching a rational decision as to the best proposals.

File Sharing: Risk or Remedy?

Due to the failure of traditional tools to meet their needs, many end users are pursuing ad-hoc adoption of file sharing services like Dropbox and Box. IT needs to...

Information Curator

The role of an Information Curator is to ensure that all content is available for informational use within an organization allowing for information flow to maximize...

User Experience Lead

The User Experience Lead will be responsible for overseeing and contributing to the end-to-end user experience solution designs, ensuring that the user experience vision...

Information Architect

The Information Architect (IA) guides projects on their overall high level solution approach, engages with the architecture team, and chairs the formal architecture...

Visual Designer

The Visual Designer is responsible for the end-to-end process of transforming complex product requirements into visually stunning and highly functional user interfaces.

Use Case and Test Case Matrix

QA testers rely on test cases that are both detailed and easy to follow in order to accomplish application testing successfully. Save time and effort by leveraging use...

WAN Connectivity Chart

Get up to speed on what's available on the WAN connectivity market using this information chart.

WAN Assessment Template

Use this template to guide you through the process of documenting and assessing WAN connectivity.
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