Security Technology & Operations - Storyboard

Build Your Security Operations Program From the Ground Up – Phases 1-4

Use this blueprint to establish your security operations program with a threat collaboration environment.

Build Your Security Operations Program From the Ground Up – Phase 1: Establish Your Foundation

This phase of the blueprint, Build Your Security Operations From the Ground Up, will help you determine how to establish the foundation of your security operations.

Storyboard: Establish an Effective System of Internal IT Controls to Mitigate Risks

This Blueprint will help you establish a well-designed system of internal controls that helps the IT department operate as intended by mitigating its greatest risks.

Develop and Deploy Security Policies – Phases 1-4

This storyboard will help you define your security policy program, develop and implement a new policy suite, and communicate and measure the program for coverage and...

Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program – Phases 1-3

Organizations face an ever-evolving range of cyberthreats. It is crucial to have a security incident management program to detect, respond, and recover from security...

Discover and Classify Your Data – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you define and develop your data classification program, from formalizing the program to discovering your data and finally implementing data...

Discover and Classify Your Data – Phase 1: Formalize the Classification Program

This phase of the blueprint will help you understand the importance of data classification and aid you in developing a classification scheme that meets your...

Discover and Classify Your Data – Phase 2: Discover the Data

This phase of the blueprint will help you perform and manage data discovery.

Discover and Classify Your Data – Phase 3: Classify the Data

This phase of the blueprint will help you assign proper classifications to your data and track meaningful metrics to continually improve the program.

Simplify Identity and Access Management – Phases 1-4

This storyboard will help you lay the groundwork for establishing a centralized, effective, and efficient system for managing identity and access. Simplify your identity...
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