Introduce Program Management to Your Organization – Phase 2: Initiate Program

This phase of the blueprint, Introduce Program Management to Your Organization, will help you gather the appropriate stakeholders to initiate your new program.

Introduce Program Management to Your Organization – Phases 1-2

People want to get more value from their projects but don't realize they are going about it the wrong way. This storyboard will help you group your related projects into...

Begin Your Projects With the End in Mind – Phases 1-3

Thinking of project closure as the final activity, or the capstone of a project, is ignoring what the rest of the organization views as the most critical component: the...

Get Started With Project Management Excellence Storyboard

Use this blueprint to kick-start your project management process.

Right-Size Your Project Risk Investment – Phases 1-3

This methodology will help you align stakeholders to better address project risk needs, Customize a project risk toolkit that is built for the unique needs of your teams...

Right-Size Your Project Risk Investment – Phase 1: Assess Your Current Approach to Project Risk Management

The first phase of the blueprint Right-Size Your Project Risk Investment will help you shed the "all-or-nothing" mentality and gain a better understanding of why project...

Right-Size Your Project Risk Investment – Phase 2: Develop an Organized Approach to Project Risk

The second phase of the blueprint Right-Size Your Project Risk Investment will help you develop an organized approach to project risk.

Right-Size Your Project Risk Investment – Phase 3: Create a Standard Risk Approach for Your Projects

The third phase of the blueprint Right-Size Your Project Risk Investment will help you create a standard risk approach to your projects.

Executive Business Case Presentation

Use Info-Tech’s Business Case Executive Presentation to put your analysis into a consumable and concise format. Bring the requestor, sponsor, and BA or BRM together to...

Demystify the New PMBOK and PMI Certifications Storyboard

A guide to validate if the PMP is still valuable. It will also provide clarity related to the updated PMBOK 7th edition.
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