Project & Portfolio Management

Avoiding Project Management Pitfalls

Use our strategies to avoid, detect, and mitigate four critical project management pitfalls to help keep your project on track.

Project Management Pitfalls Issue Log

Use this tool to track on-going project issues relative to four typical project management pitfalls. As problems arise, related to these pitfalls, track who will handle...

Formalize User Acceptance Testing

User Acceptance Tests (UATs) are often overlooked on internal software projects because users have already participated in early interface and system tests. Be prepared...

Building a Better RIA

Understand what type of benefits your business can achieve from adopting an RIA strategy.

Project Team Meeting Agenda Template

Keeping the team informed is critical to project health. Project teams should participate in regular meetings to communicate project status, identify issues, and track...

Organizational Change Management Impact Analysis Tool

Use the Organizational Change Management Impact Analysis Tool to analyze the effects of a change across the organization, and to assess the likelihood of adoption in...

Boost Project Communication: Establish Knowledge Transition Points

Effective communication within a project team contributes to overall project success. Lengthy project duration, increased work effort, and multiple project sites may...

IT Cost-Cutting Tactics for Coping with a Down Economy

This is a collection of published Info-Tech research specifically designed to help IT identify areas for IT cost-cutting, along with tactics on how to achieve cost...

Fast Track Tool: Manage Vendor Performance

Achieving a high level of service or product delivery from vendors generally requires three components: establishing a set of performance targets with the vendor,...

Empower Project Managers to Ensure Project Success

Projects have a much higher probability of success if Project Managers (PMs) are given autonomy and take personal responsibility for all aspects of project planning and...
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