Project & Portfolio Management - Tools

Intake and Prioritization Impact Analysis Tool

Use the Intake and Prioritization Impact Analysis Tool to analyze the effects of project intake process change across the organization, and to assess the likelihood of...

PMO Organizational Memory Tool

Use this tool to track, maintain, and analyze historic project data. The lessons learned and project data contained here will improve the estimates and throughput of...

T-Shirt Sizing Health Check Lite

Use this tool to evaluate your estimation capabilities if you lack access to a comprehensive project history. Estimate the health of past estimates to start new projects...

Planning-Level Estimate Calculator

Use this tool to create a reliable, transparent estimate that can be tracked and adjusted over the course of the project lifecycle. Use the Estimation Quote to set...

Mixed Methodology Portfolio Stakeholder Survey Tool

Use this tool to gather and analyze input from stakeholders as you plan, develop, and manage an Engaged Agile Portfolio.

Agile Portfolio Sprint Prioritization Tool

Use the Agile Portfolio Sprint Prioritization Tool as a template or model to develop and customize your Agile Portfolio Dashboard or Report.

Mixed Methodology Portfolio Analyzer

Use this tool to gather and analyze data on the current state of your mixed methodology portfolio.

Resource Management Impact Analysis Tool

Use this tool to analyze the effects of resource and capacity management across the organization, and to assess the likelihood of adoption in order to formulate your...

Application Maintenance Maturity Assessment

This tool will provide you with the means to determine your organization's level of readiness to improve your maintenance practices.

Project Methodology Assessment Tool

Use this tool during portfolio intake to determine right project management methodology for planning and execution.
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