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Software Engineer

The Software Engineer's role is to design, execute, assess, and troubleshoot software programs and applications. This includes configuring, coding, developing, and...

Systems Analyst

The Systems Analyst's role is to plan, design, develop, and launch efficient information systems and operations systems in support of core organizational functions. This...

System/Software Application Tester

The Systems/Software Application Tester's role is to plan, design, architect, and deploy effective test suites and regimes for in-house product development, software...

Technical Writer

The Technical Writer's role is to develop written information about the organization's computing systems that aid in their development, use, and support. Outputs will...

Telecommunications Administrator

The Telecommunications Administrator's responsibility is to plan, develop, and implement the Company's telecommunications infrastructure. This includes installing,...

Telecommunications Technician

The Telecommunications Technician's role is to install, support, and maintain in-house voice, data, and video equipment. This includes configuring, diagnosing, repairing,...

Web Developer

The Web Developer's role is to build the operations end of the organization's Web sites and keep them running smoothly. This includes designing, building, and...


The Webmaster's role is to coordinate the planning, maintenance, and accessibility of Web site content in a way that ensures the consistency of the Web site's look and...

Ten Common Myths about SOA

SOA is on the lips of every IT professional - from software testers to CIOs. Each one of these people believes in a myth about what SOA is and how it affects the company....

User Interface Analyst

The role of the User Interface Analyst is to prototype, design, and build graphic user interfaces (GUIs) for software development, Web forms, and other applications. This...
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