
Cognitive Twin Deployment Readiness Tool

A tool that will help manufacturers self-assess the maturity of their current state and compare that to the maturity level of their desired state to judge their level of...

AI-Powered CIS Benefits and Risks Evaluation Workbook

Use this tool to document your objectives and expectations of your AI-powered CIS initiatives to determine the factors that should be used in determining the selection of...

Healthcare IT Outsourcing Decision Workbook

A tool to help you decide which IT services to outsource in alignment with your strategic goals, objectives and IT capabilities.

Autonomous Technologies Readiness Assessment Tool

A tool that will help manufacturers self-assess their approach towards choosing an autonomous solution and the maturity of their current state to judge their level of...

BCM Vendor Evaluation Workbook

Use this workbook to define use cases and requirements to guide your selection.

Sample AI PIA for Microsoft Copilot

Introduce Gen AI across Microsoft business applications.

AI Privacy Impact Assessment Tool

Leverage PIAs to empower your AI technology by integrating protection and management of personal data at scale.

Edge Technology Value-Readiness and SWOT Analysis Tool

Evaluate edge technologies based on value and readiness.

Workload Assessment and Reference Architecture Tool

Assess your workload for infrastructure suitability and record the on-premises architecture required for it.

Marketing Budget Worksheet for Software & Technology Companies

The Marketing Budget Worksheet for Software and Technology Companies is a comprehensive tool that allows you to create a marketing budget based on your annual recurring...
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