Research Notes

Essentials for Mission Critical Operations

More businesses are finding that they require mission critical operations to support key applications. Mission critical means an application is operational when it is...

Seeking Margins

Let's say you're driven by quarterly financial reports to your shareholders; that is, you are a normal European or Western company acting under GAAP accounting rules....

Cisco Buyer's Advice

Understand Cisco's distribution model to optimize your spending and ensure you are getting the best deal.

Special Letter: Moving the Enterprise to the Cloud: Complexity vs. Value

Publisher's Note: A couple of years ago, my Conference panels on the cloud began looking more deeply into Cloud construction, Cloud security, Cloud infrastructure...

Special Letter: Bringing "Home Energy Efficiency" into the Home

This week's letter takes many of the clean-energy issues so dear to investors and technologists today square-on, and brings the matter down to spending the same brain...

Understand IRR and NPV

The business side of the organization generally uses one of two financial metrics to determine the viability and, therefore, the attractiveness of an investment: Net...

IT Security 101

IT security is often overlooked and misunderstood by enterprises. Many feel that they have nothing worth stealing and any money spent on security is a wasted investment....

Can the Markets be Saved?

This week we're going to look at U.S. equity markets, but this discussion will apply equally well to other nations' equity markets and, to a lesser degree, to other...

Special Letter: Diminishing Arctic Sea Ice

It's far past time for us to get beyond the oil and coal lobbies and their propaganda, and move into useful conversation with the rest of the world on how we will proceed...

Special Alert: Interpreting Google's MOT Move

A great number of electrons have been accelerated in describing Google's move to purchase Motorola Mobility Holdings for about $12.5B. During a dinner I shared with MS...
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