Research Notes

The New Copper Age: Electricity of Demand

Explore another potential bottleneck/opportunity when it comes to the electrification of everything: copper.

Exponential IT Research Center Capstone

This capstone piece includes a summary of all the predictions within each of the exponential IT domains. It also includes a boardroom-ready keynote that will help you...

The Duty of Due Diligence: Examining your vendors could prevent disaster

Due diligence grants us a glimpse into the potential risks of entering vendor relationships. More importantly, performing due diligence allows us to continually reassess...

Professional Services IT Leadership – Addressing the cultural divide in professional services firms

A look at the dichotomy between the “professionals” within a professional services organization and those who support professionals within that organization.

Flip the Script: An Intriguing New Approach to the Same Old Dell

The integration of Cloudify technology into Dell's portfolio is a strategic approach allowing the manufacturer to deliver a robust toolset and comprehensive solution that...

The Cost (and Benefits) of GPT

It's time to stop fawning over GPT’s ability to mirror human text and start considering the cost of the folly of shipping broken product.

Connecting the Dots on Elon Musk's Interstellar Empire

Dive into the psychology and mindset of Elon Musk and what to expect in his next 10 years of interstellar empire building.

Navigating Exponential Technology Leadership and Current Events in the Canadian Public Sector – Summer 2023

Housing shortages! Reinventing the RCMP! Budget shortages! Forest fires! The headlines seem to swing from one crisis to the next and back again these days, and our...

It's All About Energy

The role of energy in the global economy, and in political and military affairs, cannot be overstated. In this issue, we look at technology's role in energy and the total...

Plan A: Global Solar Now

This summer, the beginning of an El Niño cycle has heralded a new climate shift on our planet. As we enter an era of rapidly intensifying climate change, it is clearer...
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