Effective Licensing Position Tool

This template will help you create an effective licensing position and determine your compliance position.

Configuration Management Audit and Validation Checklist

Use this template to assess capability to pass audits, adding to the template as needed to meet internal auditors’ requirements.

HAM Maturity Assessment Tool

This tool will evaluate your existing hardware asset management program.

HAM Budgeting Tool

Use this tool to develop and justify the budget for hardware assets for the upcoming year.

SAM Maturity Assessment

This tool will help you assess the current state of your software asset management processes.

Audit Defense Maturity Assessment Tool

This template will examine the maturity of your current audit preparedness and software asset management practices.

Audit Defense Readiness Assessment

This template will provide you with a checklist to ensure all appropriate tasks have been completed.

SAM Budget Workbook

This tool will help you help organize, prioritize, and justify your software budget items for the upcoming year.

IT Asset Estimations Tracker

Use this tool to estimate key data points related to your IT asset estate, as well as your confidence in your estimates.

ITAM Vendor Evaluation Workbook

Define ITAM tool requirements to objectively evaluate vendors based on use cases relevant to your situation.
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