Data & Business Intelligence - Storyboard

Leverage Big Data by Starting Small – Phase 4: Structure a Big Data Proof-of-Concept Project

This phase of the blueprint focuses on detailing the core components for the pilot project, making architectural considerations for big data, and developing communication...

Modernize Data Architecture for Measurable Business Results – Phases 1-3

Develop a data architecture practice that includes both traditional and modern architecture elements in order to support your organization's present-day data requirements...

Select and Implement an ESB Solution – Phases 1-3

Enterprise Service Bus technology helps to improve the interoperability of organizations through the supply of reliable and quick integrations. Use this storyboard and...

Storyboard: Perform a Data Audit

Perform a data audit to uncover data issues that are likely leading to business inefficiencies. This project will walk you through best practices for planning and...

Storyboard: Create a Customized Big Data Architecture and Implementation Plan

The business is demanding big data capabilities and has forced data architects who haven’t planned for big data into a difficult situation. If data architects do not...

Storyboard: Move Away from File Shares and Organize Enterprise Information

Take the first steps towards Information Organization. Balance business, IT, and user requirements to build an effective strategy.

Storyboard: Reduce Email Volume

Email can be an addictive and dangerous to enterprise culture and productivity. Take control of the problem by introducing social collaboration tools that will get used.
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