Big Data Architecture Planning Tool

The Big Data Architecture Planning Tool will help you identify the tools and components of your current big data architecture that can be reused for your big data use...

Blockchain Alignment Tool

The Blockchain Alignment Tool will help you to identify the tools and components of your current big data architecture that can be reused for your big data use case. It...

BI Vendor Shortlist & Detailed Feature Analysis Tool

Use this tool to develop your own custom shortlist. Utilize the tool's knock-out criteria and criteria weightings to identify vendors that align with your business's own...

BI Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool

Use this tool to identify the functional use cases that align with your business's future BI suite.

Data Warehouse Maturity Assessment Tool

Use this tool to collect feedback from business users on the current data warehouse and perform an IT assessment of current capabilities.

Data Warehouse Modernization Initiative Building Tool

This tool takes you through a multi-step process of generating ideas for data warehouse modernization and building a roadmap for implementation.

Project Stakeholder and Impact Assessment Tool

Use this tool to identify project stakeholders and the impact that the project will have on them, as well as the reaction you expect to receive from the stakeholders.

Enterprise Integration Process Mapping Tool

Use this tool to document your integration mapping through the lenses of business process, applications, and data. Note any observations and opportunities for improvement...

Data Warehouse Work Breakdown Structure Template

This template allows you to create a comprehensive list of tasks and activities associated with your data warehouse foundation project, from project team formation to...

Master Data Mapping Tool

This tool helps your team create a comprehensive document of all the data elements involved in your master data records.
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