Gauge Your Exponential IT Readiness

The Exponential IT Readiness Diagnostic is designed to assess the readiness of your organization to embrace and extract value from exponential technologies.

AI Transformation Brief – April 2024

This month's briefing covers an AI LLM vulnerability, ChatGPT's boom, AI safety initiatives, Cohere LLM, and Congress banning Microsoft Copilot.

Making Sense of the Government of Canada’s “Securing Canada’s AI Advantage” Investment Announcement

The Government of Canada is doubling down on artificial intelligence with additional funding that is ambitious in intent but lacking in details necessary to ensure...

Develop Your Target Evaluation Framework for M&A Success

If you’re new to the acquisition game, don’t jump in without adequate preparation and an in-depth understanding of what you expect from any M&A transactions. Develop your...

(Re)Calibrate Your IT Workforce for AI

The rapid evolution of AI has created gaps between the required and available skills needed to smoothly implement and maintain AI. Combined with the pace of change, this...
  • guided implementation icon

(Re)Calibrate Your IT Workforce for AI Storyboard

This research provides a guide to help organizations determine the AI workforce competencies they need and build a prioritized plan to close their AI skills gap.

AI Competency Gap Analysis Tool

This tool will help IT leaders uncover what AI competencies they need in their workforce and how they plan to get them so they can deliver on AI and business goals.

AI Competency Library 

The AI Competency Library will help you select and develop AI competencies. It provides AI use cases and roles mapped to the complimentary competencies needed.

Thought Leader Interview With Data Dive

How AI is used for eCommerce on Amazon

AI Transformation Brief – May 2024

Prepared buyers are better positioned to discover the vendor product differentiators that contribute value to the organization.
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