Applications - Videos

Video: Select the Right Collaboration Platform

Organizations are increasingly leveraging collaboration tools. This video will help you understand and identify collaboration opportunities that...

Create a Realistic Data Integration Strategy

There is no quick way to fix a broken data architecture. There are, however, short term tactics and long term strategies to move from chaos to an...

Develop a Customer-Facing Mobile Application

Organizations are under greater pressure to engage a growing customer audience that will potentially access, use and buy products and services...

Select an E-mail Archiving Solution with Confidence

The e-mail archiving market is a confusing mixture of storage vendors, compliance and e-discovery vendors, security vendors, and e-mail platform...

Maximizing Vendor Performance

Improve IT excellence by improving the performance of your vendors.

Improve Data Quality: Plug the Leak & Bail the Boat

Data quality is a significant issue facing many organizations. Despite the costs and headaches associated with having poor data, most...

Info-Tech's Big Six for 2011

Each year there are numerous technology developments that provide IT with opportunities to offer extended value to the organization. Some...

Investigate Data Integration Tools

This video will give you some insight into what data integration tools can do for you today, as well as what tiers of solutions are available and...

IT Steering Committees in Municipal Settings

Municipalities, with their myriad of departments and services, must manage competing goals and objectives for IT. IT is a scarce commodity and...
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