Applications - Templates & Policies

Summary Business Case Presentation Template

Use this template for a short-form presentation of the business case that focuses on the key analysis.

Business Case Close-Out Form

Use the template to go through a checklist of activities that should happen and the accompanying sign-offs.

CRM Request for Proposal Template

Request for proposals provide organizations with the opportunity to give vendors a detailed account of the requirements and the expected capabilities of their desired...

CRM Vendor Demo Script

Use this template to support your business's evaluation of vendors and their solutions. Provide vendors with scenarios that prompt them to display not only their...

CXM Strategy Stakeholder Presentation Template

Use this stakeholder presentation template to sell your customer experience management strategy to the business.

CXM Strategy Project Charter Template

This project charter will help you define the CXM project and lay the foundation for all subsequent project planning. Use this template to effectively communicate project...

Big Data Work Breakdown Structure Template

This work breakdown structure (WBS) provides a standard list of project tasks, the sequence of executing those tasks, and shows interdependence of the tasks. It helps you...

Big Data Stakeholder Presentation Template

Use this template to document and organize key findings you uncover throughout the activities in this blueprint. Present this stakeholder presentation to ensure the...

Big Data Communication Tracking Template

Use this template to track the communication activities for socializing the big data pilot project and discussing the project status with key stakeholders. This template...

Application Maintenance Release Schedule Presentation Template

Use this template to effectively communicate, to business stakeholders, your findings and the steps required to improve SLA alignment and successfully complete the project.
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