Standard HR Scorecard

The HR Scorecard is a way to track progress towards your goals. Once you input your initiative information (including date and target metrics), the tool will help...

HR Metrics Library

This library consists of an extensive list of potential HR metrics that apply to all functions of HR. Use this library to find metrics that are applicable to your...

IT Capability Assessment

Use this tool to rate IT's effectiveness across a range of capabilities. This exercise is intended only if you're not running the IT Management & Governance Diagnostic...

Cultural Archetype Calculator

Use this tool to calculate your organizational cultural archetype today and where you'd like to take it in the future.

Amazon’s Leadership Change Signals It’s Prime Time for Succession Planning

Jeff Bezos leaves Amazon, sort of.

IT Talent Trends 2022

The pandemic forced us to work differently for the past two years. Looking forward, successful organizations will incorporate new ways of working into their business...

Build an IT Succession Plan Storyboard

Losing employees in key roles without adequate preparation for their departure hinders productivity, knowledge retention, relationships, and opportunities. Practice sound...

Role Transition Plan Template

Many role transitions are characterized by low productivity and lost opportunities. As one employee exits a role and the successor takes over, a clear checklist-based...

IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation Template

Use this template as a starting point to build your proposed IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap presentation to management, to obtain formal sign-off and initiate the next...

Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss Storyboard

Use this tool to define a specific process for managing security incidents and reducing their effects on the organization. Through effective knowledge transfer, minimize...
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