High Impact Leadership - Tools

Stakeholder Management Analysis Tool

A comprehensive tool that tracks identified stakeholders, analyzes them based on influence, interest, and support, and dynamically outputs a visual stakeholder map, a...

Change Impact Assessment Tool

The purpose of this tool is to aid managers in determining the level of impact a change will have on their staff.

Organizational Change Impact Assessment Tool

The Organizational Change Impact Assessment Tool outlines the impact of the change in your organization.

Leadership Competencies Workbook

The Leadership Competencies Workbook provides a structured way to document your work through the project to select strategically-aligned leadership competencies.

Idea Reservoir Tool

Incubate ideas in this Idea Reservoir, and use it to rank ideas based on their alignment with current organizational innovation goals.

Cultural Archetype Calculator

Use this tool to calculate your organizational cultural archetype today and where you'd like to take it in the future.

The First 100 Days As CIO – Presentation Deck

Work with your executive advisor in The First 100 Days As CIO concierge service to complete this presentation deck that communicates your plan for your first three months...

Organizational Catalog

Use this catalog to record critical data points about your key stakeholders and to manage their interests and expectations of the IT organization.

IT Capability Assessment

Use this tool to rate IT's effectiveness across a range of capabilities. This exercise is intended only if you're not running the IT Management & Governance Diagnostic...
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