Project & Portfolio Management - Storyboard

Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office – Phase 1: Evaluate Your New Risk Tolerance

Identify the new risk landscape and risk tolerance for your organization in a post-pandemic world. Determine how this may impact the second wave of pandemic transition tasks.

Restart the Engine of Your Project Portfolio

Restarting the engine of the project portfolio mid-pandemic won’t be as simple as turning a key and hitting the gas. Use this concise research to find the right path...

Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office – Phases 1-5

As the post-pandemic landscape begins to take shape, ensure that IT can effectively prepare and support your employees as they return to the office.

Get Started With IT Project Portfolio Management Storyboard

Use this blueprint to establish key practices in project portfolio management, project management, and organizational change management.

Audit the Project Portfolio – Phases 1-3

Organizations should take a good look at their project portfolio practices and ask themselves if they are working in the best interest of the shareholder(s).

Audit the Project Portfolio – Phase 1: Assess Readiness

This phase of the blueprint, Audit the Project Portfolio, will help you determine whether you need to take a closer look into your project portfolio practices.

Audit the Project Portfolio – Phase 2: Perform Project Portfolio Audit

This phase of the blueprint, Audit the Project Portfolio, will help you audit your portfolio and project management practices.

Audit the Project Portfolio – Phase 3: Establish a Plan

This phase of the blueprint, Audit the Project Portfolio, will help you create an action plan to move forward with the information you learned from this audit.

Introduce Program Management to Your Organization – Phase 1: Assess Current Projects and Determine Your Next Program

This phase of the blueprint, Introduce Program Management to Your Organization, will ultimately help you group your related project into programs and align them to...

Introduce Program Management to Your Organization – Phase 2: Initiate Program

This phase of the blueprint, Introduce Program Management to Your Organization, will help you gather the appropriate stakeholders to initiate your new program.
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