Data & Business Intelligence - Storyboard

Leverage Big Data by Starting Small – Phases 1-4

This storyboard will help you understand the big data landscape, establish your current big data maturity, identify the most valuable use cases, and formulate a pilot...

Modernize Data Architecture for Measurable Business Results – Phases 1-3

Develop a data architecture practice that includes both traditional and modern architecture elements in order to support your organization's present-day data requirements...

Select and Implement an ESB Solution – Phases 1-3

Enterprise Service Bus technology helps to improve the interoperability of organizations through the supply of reliable and quick integrations. Use this storyboard and...

Storyboard: Perform a Data Audit

Perform a data audit to uncover data issues that are likely leading to business inefficiencies. This project will walk you through best practices for planning and...

Storyboard: Create a Customized Big Data Architecture and Implementation Plan

The business is demanding big data capabilities and has forced data architects who haven’t planned for big data into a difficult situation. If data architects do not...
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