Build a Data Pipeline for Reporting and Analytics – Phase 3: Select Data Design Patterns

This phase of the blueprint, Build a Data Pipeline for Reporting and Analytics, will help you select the appropriate data design patterns for your data pipeline components.

Establish Data Governance – Phases 1-3

Building a data governance engine is a critical first step to enable data-driven knowledge and insight. Use this research to help you create a sustainable and effective...

Create a Data Management Roadmap – Phases 1-2

Use this blueprint to translate strategic direction and vision for data (the "what") into a plan of action for the data practice (the "how"), addressing governance,...

Develop a Master Data Management Practice and Platform – Phases 1-2

Approaching MDM with a clear blueprint that provides a step-by-step approach that will aid in the development of your MDM practice and platform.

Build a Data Architecture Roadmap – Phases 1-3

A step-by-step document that walks you through Info-Tech's three-phase methodology for optimizing data architecture.

Launch Your AI Proof of Value Storyboard

Use this blueprint to identify relevant capabilities to support your AI use case, validate AI use cases against business requirements, and select vendors to support it.
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