Capstone: Take a Holistic Approach to IT Financial Management

Good ITFM improves decision making by improving transparency and enabling more meaningful conversations with stakeholders. Let us help you chart a path to achieving ITFM...

Take a Holistic Approach to IT Financial Management

In many organizations, the practice of IT financial management (ITFM) is immature and underleveraged, and having meaningful conversations about IT spending is not the...

IT Funding Model Workbook

The set of tools and templates used in the activities that are part of this blueprint. Various sheets of this spreadsheet workbook may have been linked through...

Develop a Flexible IT Funding Model

This blueprint aims to assist Chief Information Officers (CIO), Chief Digital Officers (CDO), and other technology CXOs in exploring the various IT funding options...
  • guided implementation icon

IT Funding Model – Statement of Intention

Demonstrate the need for a flexible IT funding model in alignment with the organization and IT strategy and articulate how to achieve and sustain it.

IT Finance and Funding Model Taxonomy

IT Finance and Funding Model Taxonomy to help users get accustomed to the key terms and phrases used in this blueprint.

IT Funding Model on a Page

A deliverable template to summarize a flexible IT funding model to communicate with a wider set of stakeholders in digital and physical form.

Sample: IT Cost Forecasting and Budgeting Workbook

Review this completed example of the "IT Cost Forecasting and Budgeting Workbook" that accompanies Info-Tech's Create a Transparent and Defensible IT Budget Storyboard.

IT Budget Executive Presentation

Use this PowerPoint template and example to create your own IT budget executive presentation.

Create a Transparent and Defensible IT Budget Storyboard

Use this storyboard to develop a multi-perspective IT budget that reflects the priorities of IT's key stakeholders and facilitates the budget-approval process.
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