CIO - Videos

Lead Staff through Change: Employee Change Personas

Staff members resemble four common personas as they transition through a change process. Learn how to manage each persona differently to leverage...

EXM Dashboard Demo

This video will walk you through the features of the Employee Experience Monitor online dashboard.

EXM Setup Video Guide

This video guide will walk you through the setup process to launch your Employee Experience Monitor survey.

EXM Dashboard Video Guide for Managers

This video is an introduction for managers who will be accessing the Employee Experience Monitor dashboard.

Webinar: Info-Tech Agenda – Help Us Shape Our Technology Research for 2021

Become an Info-Tech Influencer. Help shape our research by talking with our analysts. Discuss the challenges, insights, and opportunities in...

Webinar: Tech Trends 2021: Thriving Through Disruptive Change

More disruptive change is ahead for organizations, and IT needs to be ready to support transformation. We review six tech trends for 2021 that...

Webinar: Accelerate Digital Transformation With a Digital Factory

A digital factory is a structure to leverage cross-boundary collaboration in legacy organizations. It uses the principle of small autonomous...

Pandemic Study Sharpens Focus on Digital Transformation

IT must prepare for its post-pandemic moment.

Webinar: Create a Work-From-Anywhere IT Strategy

Watch this webinar recording to learn why you need a work-from-anywhere strategy and how to build a strategy that will provide value to the business.
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