Service Benefits


Build a clear, concise, and compelling board presentation

You will come away with a clear, concise, and compelling board presentation that IT leaders can feel confident presenting in front of their board of directors. 


Improve visual appeal and logical flow

Add improvements to your current board presentation in terms of visual appeal and logical flow to ensure it resonates with your board of directors.


Leverage a best of breed presentation template 

Leverage a best of breed presentation template.

Build Your Boardroom Presentation

Our Perspective

Audience matters

Your communication style and presentation must cater to the audience you expect to be present in the room. Talking to a board requires a shift in your mindset. Focus on what positions IT as a business partner and your ability to be a leader.

Speak the language of the board

The board’s main concerns will always boil down to one important outcome – providing a level of confidence to do business through IT products, services, and systems.

Ruthlessly prioritize and curate what to communicate

Nobody likes surprises. Communicate early and often. The board should be pre-briefed especially if it is a difficult subject. This also ensures you have support when you deliver a difficult message.

Service Overview

Review your current state board presentation

Understand the current boardroom presentation document if it exists.

Assess the document for key components and a strong narrative

Leverage our checklist to understand what key information exists or doesn’t exist to build your final board presentation.

Elicit missing information and discuss approach to presenting

Work with your Info-Tech analyst to elicit “must have” information before building your final presentation to ensure its completeness.

Assemble boardroom presentation

Leverage our "best of breed" template to provide you with boardroom-ready visuals and presentation material that is easily customizable. 

Conduct a dry run and discuss best practices on delivering the presentation.

Leverage Info-Tech analyst expertise to understand what can be further improved in your presentation and delivery.

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