Templates & Policies

Customer Satisfaction Executive Presentation Template

Make the case for the right customer satisfaction metrics.

Exponential IT Communication Plan Template

A template to help you develop your communication plan for the Exponential IT roadmap.

Exponential IT Executive Communication Template

A template to present the Exponential IT roadmap to stakeholders.

Customer Satisfaction Performance Update Template

Effectively manage CSAT improvement.

Sample AI Use Case

Use this AI use case sample to inspire the identification and development of an AI use case in your organization.

Sample AI Prototyping Workbook

Use this AI prototype draft sample as guidance on sketching out an AI-driven solution at a high level.

Template and Sample AI Business Case Executive Presentation

Use this combined template and sample to pull all the components of your AI business case together into a comprehensive and compelling presentation.

SCaaS Controlled Vendor Communications Letter

A template to create a communication process with a vendor.

SCaaS Vendor Communication Management Plan

A template to guide communications between your organization and your vendor.

SCaaS Business Use Case Template

A template to help you describe the business case for a SCaaS solution.
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