Research Notes

Gradual Makeover: Electronic Document Management Edition

Any successful Electronic Document Management (EDM) initiative develops gradually, according to a defined business strategy. Determine business requirements for EDM to...

List Internal Requirements for Electronic Document Management Success

An effective Electronic Document Management (EDM) solution enables enterprises to improve information management and achieve numerous business advantages. But a solution...

Solid Electronic Document Management Solutions Meet Top Technology Requirements

Electronic Document Management (EDM) solutions improve document management and bring significant advantages to enterprises that take the time to select a product that...

Empower Project Managers to Ensure Project Success

Projects have a much higher probability of success if Project Managers (PMs) are given autonomy and take personal responsibility for all aspects of project planning and...

Resonance Theory

The basic aspects of this theory have the potential to affect computing, communications, photonics, materials science, and many other sectors we follow daily. For that...

You Want It All?

The general feeling in the Valley right now seems to be that there is a dearth of really new ideas or companies in the hopper. DEMO was flat, everyone has their Cleantech...

Quantified Health: Towards Digitally Enabled Genomic Medicine (Continued)

There is a new approach to health available to anyone, today. Described in this issue, it represents a revolution in the balance of power between patient and today's...

Rewriting Economics: It's All in the Flow

I'd like to share a series of thoughts that occurred to me this week as I listened to the European debate over debt and obligations, and watched Merkozy (as they're now...

Quantified Health: Towards Digitally Enabled Genomic Medicine

There is a new approach to health available to anyone, today. Described in this issue, it represents a revolution in the balance of power between patient and today's...

Formalize User Acceptance Testing

User Acceptance Tests (UATs) are often overlooked on internal software projects because users have already participated in early interface and system tests. Be prepared...
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