Job Descriptions

Systems Administrator

The System Administrator's role is to manage and tune in-house computer software systems and network connections to ensure high levels of availability and security of the...

Unix Systems Administrator

The Unix System Administrator's role is to operate and tune Unix systems, servers, and related components to ensure high levels of availability and security of the...

Storage Architect

The Storage Architect's role is to plan, design, and analyze the organization's storage infrastructure according to best practices, while ensuring high levels of data...

Storage Administrator

The Storage Administrator's role is to operate and performance-tune storage platforms across the organization to ensure high levels of data quality, availability, and...

Open Source Software (OSS) Architect

The Open Source Software (OSS) Architect is responsible for developing expertise in OSS, creating an enterprise-wide open-source strategy, authorizing or rejecting the...

Continual Service Improvement Manager

This role represents a source of accountability for the continual improvement program. The CSI Manager will be the champion for all Continual Service Improvement...

Software Developer

The software developer's role is to design, code, test, and analyze software programs and applications. This includes researching, designing, documenting, and modifying...

Contract Manager

This template provides an example job description for a Contract Manager. The role of the Contract Manager is to support, manage, and administer contracts for technology...

Procurement Manager

The role of the Purchasing/Procurement Manager is to plan, execute, and finalize purchasing and procurement strategies for technology spend across the organization.

Vendor Portfolio Manager

The role of the Vendor Portfolio Manager is pivotal in the IT department's interactions with suppliers of services, hardware, and software. The portfolio manager provides...
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