Job Descriptions

Systems Engineer

The Systems Engineer's role is to ensure the stability, integrity, and efficient operation of the in-house information systems that support core organizational functions....

Network Engineer

The Network Engineer's role is to ensure the stability and integrity of in-house voice, data, video, and wireless network services. This is achieved by planning,...

Database Administrator

The Database Administrator's role is to design, install, monitor, maintain, and performance tune production databases while ensuring high levels of data availability....

Business Systems Analyst

The Business Systems Analyst's role is to plan, design, develop, and launch efficient business, financial, and operations systems in support of core organizational...

Multimedia Developer

The Multimedia Developer's role is to provide media development services for projects, products, and applications across the enterprise. This includes designing,...

Telecommunications Analyst

The Telecommunications Analyst's role is to coordinate strategies for - and ensure the integrity of - in-house voice, data, and video equipment and its associated network...

Network Analyst

The Network Analyst's role is to design, build, and implement network systems across the enterprise. This includes planning, developing, installing, configuring,...

Content Manager

The Content Manager's role is to coordinate the planning, maintenance, and accessibility of company owned and generated content and content-related services. This...

Corporate Librarian

The Corporate Librarian's role is to manage and maintain all company-owned information resources and associated content. This includes ensuring that the storing,...

SAP Administrator

The SAP Administrator's role is to supervise and operate the organization's SAP systems through implementation best practices. This includes installing, configuring,...
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