Vice President, Research Fellowships & Distinguished Analyst

28 Years in IT

About Mark Tauschek

Mark Tauschek is Vice President, Research Fellowships & Distinguished Analyst at Info-Tech Research Group. Previously, Mark was Vice President, Infrastructure Research Practice at Info-Tech and has been in the Infrastructure & Operations field for over 20 years.

Disruptive technologies have fascinated Mark for almost two decades - the exponential advancement of science and technology have completely changed the way we work and live. He has focused his research in the areas of exponential and disruptive technologies for over a decade and has published several research blueprints and notes on the topic. Mark has worked with hundreds of members to help develop strategies, improve operations, and prepare for disruptive technologies throughout his career. As a result, he has developed a very broad and deep understanding of the issues facing IT leaders.

Mark holds an MBA from the Ivey Business School at Western University and is an official member of the prestigious Forbes Technology Council.

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Info-Tech Research Group
345 Ridout Street North, London, ON, Canada N6A 2N8
251 - 1000 Employees


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