Research Practice Lead

About Isabelle Hertanto

Isabelle Hertanto is a Research Practice Lead in the Security & Privacy practice, with a focus on helping clients align enterprise IT security activities to business objectives through strategic planning, risk and compliance management, policy development, and security program design.

Isabelle has over 15 years of experience delivering specialized IT services to the security and intelligence community. As a former federal officer for Public Safety Canada, Isabelle trained and led teams on data exploitation and digital surveillance operations in support of Canadian national security investigations. Since transitioning into the private sector, Isabelle has held senior management and consulting roles across a variety of industry sectors, including retail, construction, energy, healthcare, and the broader Canadian public sector.

Isabelle has a passion for learning and is an active instructor with University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies. She offers a unique perspective on the cyberthreat landscape as well as the evolving legal and cultural frameworks that govern and influence our use of information and technology.

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